Standard ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) material is combined with 10% chopped carbon fiber by weight to create production-grade thermoplastic ABS-CF10.The end result is an FDM® thermoplastic that is low moisture sensitive and is 50% stiffer and 15% stronger than typical ABS 3D printing material.
Applications that benefit from the combination of improved rigidity and decreased weight include production tools, jigs, fixtures, and end effectors.The high temperature 3D printers may use ABS-CF10, which improves the F123 series’ unmatched production performance in terms of flexibility, precision, multi-material use, and flexibility.
The benefits of ABS with the stiffness of carbon fiber
Instead of machining, use ABS-CF10.Carbon-reinforced ABS can replace metal for lighter, more ergonomic tooling, depending on the application. ABS-CF10 can create intricate shapes that are not feasible with machining when used in conjunction with soluble support.The strongest, most durable, most dimensionally stable items can be created using FDM technology and engineering-grade thermoplastics, which also offers the best precision and repeatability of any 3D printing process. Parts made of ABS-CF10 are durable enough to be used as sophisticated conceptual models, working prototypes, manufacturing tools, and production components.